Débora Oliveira

I'm Doctoral Candidate at the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Lab in the University of Technology Nuremberg under Wolfram Burgard.

I have a Master's degree in Robotics, Cognition and Intelligence at the Technical University of Munich and a Master's and Bachelor's degree in Electrical Enginnering at the Federal University of Campina Grande. I have a minor in microelectronics and a focus on computer vision and embedded systems.

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Research papers

FlowNav: Combining Flow Matching and Depth Priors for Efficient Navigation
Samiran Gode*, Abhijeet Nayak*, Débora Oliveira*, Cordelia Schmid, Wolfram Burgard
Submitted to IROS, 2025
REGRACE: A Robust and Efficient Graph-based Re-localization Algorithm using Consistency Evaluation
Débora Oliveira*, Joshua Knights*, Sebastián Barbas Laina*, Simon Boche*, Wolfram Burgard, Stefan Leutenegger
Submitted to IROS, 2025
Optical tracking system based on COTS components
Débora Oliveira*, Marcos Morais, Antonio Marcus Lima
Accepted at to IPAS, 2022
Void detection for UAV based on optical flow and vanishing points
Débora Oliveira*, Marcos Morais, Antonio Marcus Lima
Accepted at to SBAI, 2021 (Honorable Mention)

Inspired by Jon Barron